Why it is Essential You Keep Your Leaders Focused on Leading, Not Doing

<p>So, I have put out a marker. I believe that we expect those people in positional authority roles to do to much&nbsp;<em>stuff,&nbsp;</em>and don&rsquo;t give them space to work on and with their people. Those who are responsible for a team and their outcomes need to do many things within the business to keep everything running.</p> <p>Your middle managers and senior managers need to update budgets and schedules. They need to prepare briefings to their bosses on what is going right and what is going wrong. They need to develop metrics, they need to document processes, they need to facilitate audits and checks, they need to monitor outputs.</p> <p>All of this is important but not the most important thing they need to do. They need to lead the people in their team. The need to help them achieve the things that need to be done and drive their engagement with the work, the work place, and their colleagues.</p> <p>The most important problem for a leader to solve, is the one stopping their team from achieving their goals and outcomes and preventing them from being the best version of themselves at work.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/sparks-publication/why-it-is-essential-you-keep-your-leaders-focused-on-leading-not-doing-f142b09a0152"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>