Tag: LAB

Stop Training Models in DEV. Train Them in LAB.

Congratulations, ML professionals of all kinds! Only 10 years after Andrew Ng taught everyone about gradient descent, our respectable profession has almost entirely moved away from using the PROD environment for everything. Pat yourself on the back. Now shame on you! Because I...

Video Game Lab

For this week’s lab, I got a chance to make critical observations for six games whilst playing myself and also observing my lab partner play. In this blog post, I am sharing my critical observation of three games, namely Little Raccoon, This is the Only Level and Coffin Counseling. My focus wo...

Game Lab 2

Last week, we had another game lab where I and 2 of my fellow classmates played a few indie games. The ones that stuck out to me the most were This is the Only Level, Hexlock, and Karnalita. This is the Only Level is an internet classic where you play the same level 20 times, but each time there is ...

SIEM Home Lab Series (Part 1)

This is the first of a multi-part series on building a SIEM lab and training with ‘Purple Team’ skills. I say ‘Purple’ because while the emphasis will be on ‘Blue Team’ activities we will also need to use ‘Red Team’ techniques to populate our SIEM with...

How we hire at OAK’S LAB — the guide

At OAK’S, we believe that time is the most valuable resource a person can have. That’s why we are all about saving it by effectively assessing fit and ability in our CALL & CODE interviews. In the past, we used to ask candidates to implement a test task. Nothing complicated, maxim...

Lululemon Lab. What is it?

Lululemon is very well known for their leggings. A brand that prioritizes making the best workout clothes, Lululemon has captivated the eyes of many with their clothes. Their brand outlook is mainly focused on the athlete. Some dislike the brand for their indirect body shaming of women’s bodie...

Are we any closer to being able to afford to eat lab-grown meat?

In a decision, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the sale of meat from bioreactor cultures — in other words, that has not been obtained through the slaughter of animals — subject to the approval of inspections of the products, laboratories and pro...

A visit to a diagnostic lab in Malawi, Africa

I had the opportunity to visit the central diagnostic labs at Mzuzu Central Hospital in the city of Mzuzu, in Malawi. This is a district-level hospital that serves around 2 million people. The first impression the hospital gives is a sense of charm with its grass-surrounded outdoor walkway...

The Billionaire Lab Rat: Bryan Johnson’s Bet on Illegal Gene Therapy

Centuries earlier, the Spanish were captivated by the story of the “Bimini,” the land of prosperity that held the fountain of youth. Conquistadors like Ponce de León scavenged the new world from Honduras to Florida in search of this sacred stream. Legend said that the water could ...

Title: From Lab to Shelf: The Journey of Medicine Processing and Distribution

The journey of a medication from the laboratory where it is synthesized to the shelves of pharmacies and hospitals involves a complex and highly regulated process known as medicine processing and distribution. This process encompasses various stages, including formulation, manufacturing, packaging, ...

Top 5 Emerging Technologies in Medical Lab Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing medical lab technology by enhancing data analysis and decision-making processes. Large volumes of data, including test results, patient records, and medical literature, may be efficiently analyzed by AI algorithms to find trends, forec...

PharmTox Lab Rats Volume 5: Pain Science Behind the Scenes

I decided that it was in my best interest not to take the rest of my prescription. For a week, I was unable to walk due to pain. Fortunately, I was able to work from home during that period. But what if I had a job where being on crutches was not an option, like being a server or contra...