Tag: Karma

Introducing Karma: Plan Events & Join Spiritual Journeys — harness the power of karma in unique ways.

Introducing Karmm: Unlocking the Power of Karma Karmm is not just an app; it’s a platform designed to harness the power of karma in these unique and impactful ways. Karma feature in our app offers these main features that empower individuals and communities to make a positive difference in ...

Karma coverage using Instabul

Karma is an awesome testing environment, it is open source, it supports a plethora of testing frameworks and it is easy to use. In this post I am going to create some simple tests, run them on Karma using Jasmine and finally, show some code coverage reports, through Karma coverage and Instabul. ...

The Garden of Karma

In the beginning, gardening involves effort. One must choose the seeds, prepare the soil; and ensure the causes and conditions are right. Then one plants the seeds, waters them, and waits patiently for them to germinate. The garden in this metaphor is the mind, and the seeds are non-greed, non-ha...

Samsara, Karma & How To Escape

Samsara is a Sanskrit word often used to describe the cycles of life, be that the cycle of reincarnation, the cycle of heaven and hell, the cycle of karma resulting in good times and bad times (whether in one life or across reincarnations.) It has been said that a Buddha is one who has escaped Samsa...

What Does Karma Really Mean?

I believe in karma, not the ‘westernised’ view of karma — karma is not an external force/a punishment or reward system imposed by a big man in the sky (God), who is supposedly watching over us all, judging our actions as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, to determine whethe...

Karma in Action: Real-life Examples from Hindu Epics

In the vast tapestry of Hindu epics, the concept of karma weaves through the narratives, embodying the intricate web of cause and effect that governs human existence. Each character’s journey unfolds as a testament to the profound influence of their actions on destiny. As we delve into the ann...

Samsara, Karma & How To Escape

Samsara is a Sanskrit word often used to describe the cycles of life, be that the cycle of reincarnation, the cycle of heaven and hell, the cycle of karma resulting in good times and bad times (whether in one life or across reincarnations.) It has been said that a Buddha is one who has escaped Samsa...

Mahabharata and the concept of Karma

Although the earliest text in Hinduism concentrates only on Karma and its effects within the manifested world, the later text seems to possess incorporated the idea of re-incarnation within the theory of Karma. Essentially it meant that if one has done bad deeds in one lifetime, he/she may have to p...

Misery and Law of Karma

My memory drifted me to the day when she was in the last stage of cancer and was bearing excruciating pain.Her each rasping breath was a reminder of the unwelcome tenant now residing within her, a tumor gnawing at her insides.She was sitting on her bed when she said that perhaps she must had done so...

Why We Invested in Legal Karma: Revolutionizing Legal Offerings for Credit Unions

In today’s evolving landscape of financial services, Credit Unions are finding it increasingly challenging to meet the diverse needs of their members. One significant aspect that often proves elusive for Credit Unions is seamlessly integrating legal services into their offerings. A s...

Karma Dance, Folk Dances of Madhya Pradesh

The Essence of Karma Dance The Karma Dance is performed primarily by the Gond and Baiga tribes, who reside in the central and eastern regions of Madhya Pradesh. It is a celebration of their ancestral connection with nature, paying homage to the gods and spirits that govern their lives. The dance ...

Karma never loses an address………

We all have heard this sentence that “karma never loses in address.” Let’s try to understand it’s meaning . It simply means that what you do with others it’s eventually comes back to you. We often make mistakes one after the other thinking that no one is w...