What Does Karma Really Mean?

<p>I believe in karma, not the &lsquo;westernised&rsquo; view of karma &mdash;<br /> karma is not an external force/a punishment or reward system imposed by a big man in the sky (God), who is supposedly watching over us all, judging our actions as &lsquo;good&rsquo; or &lsquo;bad&rsquo;, to determine whether we will be sent to &lsquo;heaven&rsquo; or &lsquo;hell&rsquo; when we die,<br /> but the&nbsp;<em>actual&nbsp;</em>view, where it originated from-<br /> in Eastern religions, as an energy upheld by the laws of the universe.</p> <p>Where &lsquo;karma&rsquo; translates to action, everything we choose to do or say or think sets karma in motion.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/what-does-karma-really-mean-9a9c38b521bb"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Karma