Misery and Law of Karma

<p>My memory drifted me to the day when she was in the last stage of cancer and was bearing excruciating pain.Her each rasping breath was a reminder of the unwelcome tenant now residing within her, a tumor gnawing at her insides.She was sitting on her bed when she said that perhaps she must had done something so terrible in her past life that in present life she had to struggle this much.May be the Gods were punishing her for the sins of her past life.She wanted to live for her children who were toddlers.Her words pierced my heart .I knew how fantastic woman she had been and all her life she had been helping people and showering love and affection upon them.She had fought like a tigress and overcame all her obstacles and hence it was very difficult for me to watch her in this helplessness.Her lips trembled, forming silent pleas into the void.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@etishree/misery-and-law-of-karma-47541e5d7445"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Law Karma