Tag: Judaism

Kaddish for the Soul of Judaism: Genocide in Palestine

As I write this, the wheels of genocide are turning. As I write this, I am preparing for Shabbat. When I see Gaza, I see my own people languishing in concentration camps. I see a world that has turned its back on us, letting us be slaughtered en masse because we aren’t quite human enough. ...

Original Judaism

What we certainly know is that as long as we keep our unity and mutual guarantee, we survive and prosper, and when we abandon our unity and succumb to the instinctive urges to go alone and to fight one another and succeed at each other’s expense, we almost immediately encounter an existential ...

The Real War: “Traditional Judaism vs. Hellenism”

Jews just finished celebrating the Holiday of Hanukkah. This Holiday commemorates the victory of “traditional Judaism” over Hellenism. Although the actual military victory was against the Greek oppressors, the real fight and the key of the war were between the Jews who wanted to hold ont...

Against Messianic Judaism

There is a small, but vocal, movement among Christians who wish to “restore” Christianity as a sect of Judaism. They primarily rely on Jewish converts to Christianity to bolster their claims to legitimacy, however, large numbers of people who claim to be Jewish in Messianic communities a...

Title: The Concept of Adam and Eve in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

The story of Adam and Eve is a central story shared by the world's three major monotheistic religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Although the main elements of the story remain constant in this belief, there are variations in interpretation and shifts in focus. Let's explore the conce...

On Birthrights, B’nei Mitzvah, and Zionism in Judaism

In the quiet fall of 2003, I was born a beautiful and healthy baby into a bustling Reform Jewish community in Southern California. I was raised sitting in the front rows of my synagogue, swaying my small body with the lively guitar and piano renditions of time-honored prayers and songs. I was the qu...

A Look at Some of The Differences Between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are three major monotheistic religions that have significant differences in their beliefs, practices, and historical developments. Here are some of the main differences between these religions: 1. Founders and Origins: — Islam: Islam was founded by the Prop...

What does Judaism tell its followers about war and people who are not Jews?

Judaism is a multifaceted and profound religious heritage that encompasses diverse doctrines on the topic of warfare and interfaith connections. To claim that Judaism advocates for cruel behavior towards non-Jews would be an erroneous assertion. In reality, Judaism places great emphasis on the value...

Constantine on Jews and Judaism

It’s common knowledge that Constantine was the first Christian Emperor of the Roman Empire. And it’s fairly well known that he began a crack down on pagan worship and belief while simultaneously promoting Christianity and the Christian church opening up the state treasuries for the build...

The Three ‘Sins’ of Judaism

I don’t know if Inuit actually has more than one word that translates to the English word ‘snow,’ but I am sure that Hebrew has at least three words that translate to the English word ‘sin.’ Because I’m American, I speak English, and most of the people I know who ...

What was Atenism? Was it the origin of Judaism?

Atenism, founded by Pharaoh Akhenaten during the New Kingdom’s Eighteenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, was a religious movement cantered on the worship of Aten, depicted as the sun disc. Initially an aspect of Ra, the traditional solar deity, Aten became the exclusive focus under Akhenaten’...