Constantine on Jews and Judaism

<p>It&rsquo;s common knowledge that Constantine was the first Christian Emperor of the Roman Empire. And it&rsquo;s fairly well known that he began a crack down on pagan worship and belief while simultaneously promoting Christianity and the Christian church opening up the state treasuries for the building of numerous churches and basilicas around the empire. But there&rsquo;s much less information on his antisemitism &mdash; his heavy dislike of Jews and Judaism and his attacks on them as killers of the Christian God as he put it.</p> <p>Constantine used very harsh and intemperate language when discussing Jews and in this video we&rsquo;ll go through what he says in one of his surviving letters written during the Council of Nicaea in 325CE. And in this letter, in his mentions and referrals to Jews, he uses language such as bloodstained men, mentally blind, a detestable mob, thoroughly evil persons, Lord-killers, murderers of the Lord. He also accuses the Jewish nation of perjuring themselves alluding to their part in the death of Jesus as well as attacking them on what he reckoned amounted to parricide ie killing of their parent meaning Jesus or God.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jews Judaism