Tag: Journaling

The Journaling Method That is Changing My Life

  Journaling is like choosing a specific diet: Want to use intricate layouts and symbols? Try bullet journaling. Want to focus on managing your negative and positive thoughts? Try mindfulness journaling. Want to document your life on a strict, day-to-day basis? Try daily journaling....

The Journaling Method That is Changing My Life

Journaling is like choosing a specific diet: Want to use intricate layouts and symbols? Try bullet journaling. Want to focus on managing your negative and positive thoughts? Try mindfulness journaling. Want to document your life on a strict, day-to-day basis? Try daily journaling. But th...

The Journaling Method That is Changing My Life

Journaling is like choosing a specific diet: Want to use intricate layouts and symbols? Try bullet journaling. Want to focus on managing your negative and positive thoughts? Try mindfulness journaling. Want to document your life on a strict, day-to-day basis? Try daily journaling. But th...

9 Quick Journaling Habits That Actually Help Me Focus and Get Things Done

I have six years’ worth of journals stacked up in my closet. I know… I’m a maniac. Why did I get into journaling? Honestly, I don’t remember. I knew some seriously successful people journaled, which was good enough for me. Either it was a coincidence that Marc...

The Neuroscience of Journaling And Its Benefits

This year, I was introduced to the practice of Journaling by a fellow friend and trainer. I had heard a lot about journaling before, I used to do it as a teenager, but it’s been years since I put a pen on paper and let my thoughts flow… That is… until a few months ago when ...

The Power of Microdosing and Journaling

In the rapidly changing world we live in, the quest for increased productivity and mental well-being has led many people to explore unconventional paths. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of new age advice and health hacks. People are increasingly investing in ...