Tag: Jealous

Jealous of Paris

When my parents lived in Amsterdam 23 years ago, they traveled all around Europe and stumbled across a small town in southern Spain — it was recommended to them by their then boss. He told them that it was a beautiful place that always smelled like oranges, had wonderful wine, and wa...

I’m Jealous of Jews Who Grew Up Conservative and Orthodox

I know, the High Holidays are upon us and after atoning for my [many] sins of the previous year, I may not be off to the best start by coveting someone else’s experience. But I can’t help it. After one of the most transformative experiences I’ve ever had, attending services all day...

Are Aries Men Jealous? Unraveling Their Possessive Side

In relationships, Aries men are intense and fiercely loyal to their partners. They crave excitement and spontaneity, and can be very romantic and affectionate. However, they can also be prone to jealousy and possessiveness. At their core, Aries men value independence and freedom. They can become ...

Am I Jealous of White People?

I took my boyfriend to a fancy lunch in the countryside of Lima for his birthday. We sat facing a fire pit, in a grassy, countryside eco-restaurant with plenty of tourists. As we waited for our food, we saw a white woman with her Peruvian husband. She had laid a blanket on the grass. She then starte...

White Women Are Jealous of Black Women

It’s impossible to broach the topic of envy without sounding full of yourself. It’s associated with very negative attributes about a person. We condemn people for experiencing a normal, and abundant emotion. Especially, among women. We’re not prepared to sit down and address the...