Am I Jealous of White People?

<p>I took my boyfriend to a fancy lunch in the countryside of Lima for his birthday. We sat facing a fire pit, in a grassy, countryside eco-restaurant with plenty of tourists. As we waited for our food, we saw a white woman with her Peruvian husband. She had laid a blanket on the grass. She then started changing the baby&rsquo;s diaper. Right there. Another white friend of mine did the same baby-changing trick in an upscale ice cream parlor in Lima. &ldquo;If she had been black!&rdquo; my boyfriend said, rolling his eyes.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m not against people changing their babies&rsquo; business in public, but, seriously, at an upscale restaurant? And no one said a word, no one even gave a look.&nbsp;Yes, if she had been black, I am pretty sure security would have been called.&nbsp;&ldquo;That is so unhygienic. There are changing rooms in the back. Have a little more respect for the other guests.&rdquo; Finger wags. Stares. Calls to the manager.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>