Tag: JavaScript’s

JavaScript’s Shorthand Syntax That Every Developer Should Know

About three decades ago, every web page was static and showed the same content for all visitors. Later, web servers generated dynamic content based on the current user via an early server-side web development concept called CGI (Common Gateway Interface). The invention of JavaScript initially helped...

Top 10 Kotlin Interview Questions/Problems

Kotlin is an influential programming language that combines both the functional and object-oriented programming paradigms. It is notably known for its succinct syntax and its seamless interoperability with Java. This has made Kotlin a popular choice for Android development. If you’re preparing...

How fast is your MEV bot? Comparing Javascript/Python/Rust

Choosing a programming language for your projects can be a challenging task. In fact, individuals often have varying preferences when asked, citing reasons such as speed, readability, or simply familiarity with a particular language. This diversity in opinions is quite common. I’ve enc...

Closure in JavaScript

A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). In other words, a closure gives you access to an outer function’s scope from an inner function. In JavaScript, closures are created every time a function i...

JavaScript’s Currying Cookbook: Unlocking the Power of Function Composition

Hello everyone! I’m Dhananjay Pant, and today I want to talk to you about something really cool in JavaScript called “currying”. Currying may sound like a complex term, but I promise you, it’s a powerful and incredibly useful technique that can make your code more modular and...