How fast is your MEV bot? Comparing Javascript/Python/Rust

<p><strong>Choosing a programming language for your projects can be a challenging task.</strong>&nbsp;In fact, individuals often have varying preferences when asked, citing reasons such as speed, readability, or simply familiarity with a particular language. This diversity in opinions is quite common.</p> <p><em>I&rsquo;ve encountered this situation multiple times in the past, which led me to learn six different programming languages. While it was an enjoyable experience, I eventually stopped using C# and Java.</em></p> <p>In the MEV (Miner Extractable Value) space, four mainstream programming languages dominate:&nbsp;<strong>Python, JavaScript, Rust, and Golang</strong>.</p> <p>Among these, I&rsquo;ll focus on the first three and conduct a speed performance benchmark. This benchmark will simulate scenarios commonly seen in real-life trading situations. By doing so, readers can gain insight into the competitive nature of each language stack regarding MEV.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve excluded Golang from this comparison for now. Despite its widespread use in the blockchain industry, Golang doesn&rsquo;t yet boast as many open-source projects related to MEV compared to the other three languages. My intention is for this benchmark session to remain as&nbsp;<strong>mainstream</strong>&nbsp;as possible,&nbsp;<strong>taking into account language stack popularity and the libraries most likely to be utilized by developers</strong>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>