Top 10 Kotlin Interview Questions/Problems

<p>Kotlin is an influential programming language that combines both the functional and object-oriented programming paradigms. It is notably known for its succinct syntax and its seamless interoperability with Java. This has made Kotlin a popular choice for Android development. If you&rsquo;re preparing for an interview that requires knowledge in Kotlin, you are in the right place. This article covers the top 10 Kotlin interview questions and problems.</p> <h1>1. What are the Advantages of Kotlin over Java?</h1> <p>Understanding why Kotlin is preferred, especially in Android development, is crucial. Kotlin addresses some of Java&rsquo;s shortcomings such as null pointer exceptions and verbose syntax. Additionally, Kotlin offers features like extension functions, smart casts, and data classes which don&rsquo;t have direct counterparts in Java.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>