Tag: Investing

Apple Is Silently Investing Billions In Something Dubbed “Apple GPT”

Apple is up to something. The next one more thing. Billions are silently being funneled into generative AI. Why should you care? Because what is about to come is probably the tech equivalent of discovering a new planet. Let’s dig in. The billion-Dollar bet on generative AI $2...

Everything I Know About Investing, I Learned from Cows.

No, it has nothing to do with Michaelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Yes, it has everything to do with cows. Cows teach us a ton about investing. Specifically, they can open our minds to multiple possibilities in personal finance. And you might be scratching your head. Why ...

7 Must-Know Tips for Investing in Comic Books

I love collecting and reading comic books. I love the world-building, the artwork, the incredibly complex and deep characters, and the story arcs. In ancient times, the heroic sagas were the Epic of Gilgamesh or the many Greek and Norse mythologies and epics. Now, we have modern-day myths and heroes...

Investing in Metaverse: Exploring the Virtual Realities of the Future

Picture this: you slip on a sleek headset, and suddenly, you’re not just in a room but transported to a world where the boundaries of reality blur into a seamless digital frontier. Welcome to the Metaverse, where investing isn’t just about stocks and bonds; it’s about investin...

Value Investing Using Python & Azure — Introduction

Leaving behind the remnants of the financial crisis that broke out in 2008, the stock market quickly regained strength thanks to helicopter Ben. Since then, the so-called growth stocks stood at the forefront to drive the market forward. Cheap loans made businesses flourish, companies were not afraid...

Investing in Miami Real Estate? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Situated on Florida’s Atlantic coast, Miami is one of the most stunning and culturally rich cities in the United States. Everything about Miami is almost perfect, from its culture to the weather to its architecture. Moreover, due to the relatively low tax rates, flourishing economy, and hig...

What’s the difference between investing in condos vs. multifamily buildings?

An apartment typically refers to a suite of rooms forming one residence, in a building containing many similarly structured units. A multifamily building is a rental apartment building where the entire building (and all of the apartments inside it) is under the same ownership....

What is systemic investing? An update on definition, key concepts, and relevance.

At an abstract level, systemic investing is an investment logic that enhances those sustainable finance practices that aim to bring positive change into the world. By “logic” we mean a coherent combination of intent, mindset, and method which — when operationalized &mdash...

Investing for retirement: 401(k)s

Investing should be democratic, inexpensive, and easily accessible. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I saw this first-hand with my parents, who immigrated to the US from India in 1995. They hired costly financial advisors, and this regularly ate into the returns of the money they were able ...

Top 7 401k Investing Mistakes

Hey there, my financially savvy comrades and retirement rockstars! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of 401(k) investing and uncovering the top 7 mistakes that could derail your golden years. But fear not, because I’m here to arm you with knowledge and help you avoi...

Avoiding 7 Common Mistakes in 401k Investing

Saving for retirement is one of the most important financial goals for many individuals. One of the most popular ways to save for retirement is through a 401(k) plan, which is a type of employer-sponsored retirement plan that allows employees to save a portion of their pre-tax income in a tax-deferr...

Maximizing Your 401k: A Guide to Investing for Retirement

A 401k is a retirement savings plan offered by many employers. It allows you to save a portion of your income on a pre-tax basis, and your employer may even offer to match a percentage of your contributions. The money in your 401k grows tax-free until you withdraw it at retirement age. When you e...

How To Know If A Stock Is Worth Investing In 3 Seconds

What if I told you that you don’t need to read the Financial Times, devour hundreds of pages of company spreadsheets, or endure the crazy antics of Jim Cramer on Mad Money screaming about worthless stocks? Most of the things you believe to be true about choosing stock investments will likel...

Investing In Life’s Sweet Pleasures

A laser beam pierced the nighttime sky and 60,000 bright lights dazzled from below — the sold-out Olympiastadion in Munich had come to life. The most popular musician on earth was in town and he did not disappoint. It was the latest leg on The Weeknd’s After Hours Till Dawn ...

How to Avoid an Investing Mid-life Crisis

In the paper, “panic selling” is defined as a 90% decline in the balance of an investment account, of which at least 50% was due to the investor choosing to sell off assets. Say you had $100,000 invested, and the stock market went down 20% — leaving you with $80,000. B...

Where Diversification Comes From

That’s a positive expected payoff so you should probably flip. Still half the time when you do flip you will end up losing whatever you put up. So there is risk. If a very large number of people were to wager all they had on such a coin flip, roughly half would walk away up 200% and half would...

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Real Estate

Taking a start of real estate investment journey is an exciting adventure, promising opportunities for financial growth and stability. However, like any investment business, it comes with its set of advantages and challenges. In this discussion of pros and cons of real estate investment, we wi...

6 Things I Learned the Hard Way When I Started Investing in Real Estate

In 2019, I bought my first property. I didn’t know anything about this market, and the only thing I had in mind was to own my first home. At that time, I didn’t know I needed specific knowledge to invest appropriately in this market, so as you can imagine, I committed many mistakes...

Real Estate Investing: Don’t Cry, Just Laugh at Your ROI

One well-liked strategy for accumulating wealth and ensuring long-term financial stability is real estate investing. Like any investment, though, it has advantages and disadvantages of its own. Even though you might be feeling upbeat about the possibility of a high return on investment (ROI), real e...