Tag: Internal

You Can Now Build A Chatbot To Talk To Your Internal Knowledge Base

With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), it’s now possible to hold a human-like conversation with a bot on a wide variety of topics. This is an unprecedented innovation that made pre-2022 chatbots obsolete. In fact, with systems like ChatGPT, we’ve witnessed improvements such ...

You Can Now Build A Chatbot To Talk To Your Internal Knowledge Base

http://With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), it’s now possible to hold a human-like conversation with a bot on a wide variety of topics. This is an unprecedented innovation that made pre-2022 chatbots obsolete. In fact, with systems like ChatGPT, we’ve witnessed improvements s...

8 Best Tools For Creating Internal Documentation

Internal documentation is the organization’s knowledge base — it provides information about various aspects of the organization’s engineering processes, systems, tools, best practices, or project-related information. For engineering teams, creating good internal documentation is...

You Can Now Build A Chatbot To Talk To Your Internal Knowledge Base

With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), it’s now possible to hold a human-like conversation with a bot on a wide variety of topics. This is an unprecedented innovation that made pre-2022 chatbots obsolete. In fact, with systems like ChatGPT, we’ve witnessed improvements such ...

Release your build on the Google play store for Internal testing

This year for the very first time I was making a test release on the Google play console. And when I was going through the process of understanding how to do it. It was very confusing to understand how to do it. So much back and forth to understand the app signing key. So here in this article, I am ...

You Can Now Build A Chatbot To Talk To Your Internal Knowledge Base

With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), it’s now possible to hold a human-like conversation with a bot on a wide variety of topics. This is an unprecedented innovation that made pre-2022 chatbots obsolete. In fact, with systems like ChatGPT, we’ve witnessed improvements such ...

ViewModel’s Internal working in Android. A full guide.

I will show you how view model work internally in Android. In this article, we are going to cover ViewModel and its working under the hood in the following sequence. 1. What is ViewModel ? 2. Advantages of ViewModel 3. How it works under the hood? What is ViewModel? View Model is ...

Revolutionize Internal Communications: Harnessing the Power of Improv

Effective internal communication is the backbone of any successful organization. But what if I told you that the secret to improving it lies in the world of improvisational theater, an unscripted, spontaneous scene between actors. I’ve studied and practiced improv for over 20 years, and I&r...

How to Calculate Internal Energy, Work, and Heat

Think of the “system” as the “chemical reaction.” The Internal Energy of a system = the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of all the “particles” in the system (the reaction). ➞ this internal energy (E) can be changed by a flow of&nbs...

Sum of internal angles of a 5-point star

The sum of “green” interior angles is 360° (similar for the “blue” angles). Therefore, the sum of the colored angles is 720°. The sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180°. There are 5 triangles, so the sum of all of their interior angles is 5*180°=900&d...

Internal Audit And Self-inspection

Internal Audit: An onsite verification of activity used to determine effective implementation of documented quality systems. Self-Inspection : Verification of departmental activity used to determine effective implementation of documented quality systems. Objective To lay down a proced...

Today’s Note — (Inutitive shovels upon Internal Impluse)

Uncertainty is certain whilst certainity is uncertain. Life is unfair with a fair amount of catastrophies. Lateral policies left us in awe turning out to be an indispensible part of Gen Z lives, yet not perfectly align with the key components of the vast majority of applied problematic matters. Futh...