8 Best Tools For Creating Internal Documentation

<p>Internal documentation is the organization&rsquo;s knowledge base &mdash; it provides information about various aspects of the organization&rsquo;s engineering processes, systems, tools, best practices, or project-related information.</p> <p>For engineering teams, creating good internal documentation is very different from creating public-facing docs. You aren&rsquo;t just addressing one need, but several, and for very different people &mdash; you need to create and maintain a knowledge base that needs to be:</p> <ul> <li>Useful to your developers for their day-to-day work.</li> <li>Useful to new hires, for onboarding.</li> <li>Useful to executives, decision-makers, and legal teams, by providing context behind decisions with a historical record of said decisions.</li> <li>Useful for customer support.</li> </ul> <p>And so on. This is a complex process, but one that can pay off tenfold when done right. For example,&nbsp;IMGE&nbsp;recently created an extensive employee training program that combined all of its onboarding documentation in one place.</p> <p>In this article, we explore eight of the best tools for creating internal documentation. These tools are designed to streamline the documentation process, enhance collaboration among team members, and ensure that valuable information is readily available to those who need it. From comprehensive collaboration platforms to specialized note-taking apps, we&rsquo;ll uncover a range of options that cater to different organizational needs and preferences.</p> <p><a href="https://javascript.plainenglish.io/8-best-tools-for-creating-internal-documentation-c834cefdc164">Visit Now</a></p>