Tag: Integration

Firebase Performance Android Java Integration Steps

Add Internet permission in manifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />Mani 2. Build gradle add in perf plugin // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { ext.kotl...

Use Flutter Hot Restart in the Integration Test

Introduction If you strike up a conversation with a Flutter developer on Flutter’s unique attributes, chances are they will be quick to highlight Hot Restart and Hot Reload. Often coming from an Android or iOS development background, they have spent years enduring lengthy app...

Setting up Prometheus and Grafana Integration on Kubernetes with Helm

In this comprehensive guide, you will gain insight into the process of seamlessly integrating Prometheus and Grafana within your Kubernetes environment using Helm. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to construct a straight forward dashboard in Grafana. Prometheus and Grafana stand as two highl...

OpenTelemetry Integration Hacks: Boosting App Efficiency in 5 Easy Steps

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires app developers to continuously enhance their efficiency and optimize performance. Thankfully, there’s a game-changing solution on the horizon — OpenTelemetry integration hacks. In this article,...

Challenges with Terraform Cloud Login and Gitpod Workspace Integration

Logging into Terraform Cloud within a Gitpod workspace can be a bumpy ride. When attempting to use terraform login, the browser-based wiswig view doesn't always generate the token as expected. Fortunately, a workaround exists: manually creating a token in Terraform Cloud. This short note ex...

AI Tools with tight MacOS integration

AI has become deeply integrated into today’s society, and I have no qualms about acknowledging that I heavily rely on AI. While AI may not be able to solve every problem, it undeniably makes life a little easier, be it for tasks such as writing, coding, or even answering general questions. Wit...

Cantonese/Mandarin false dichotomy: peaceful integration and harmonious co-existence

In recent years, there has been much heated debate about the intrusion of Mandarin in Hong Kong and neighboring Canton regions, which has allegedly resulted in the marginalization or even endangerment of local Cantonese dialects. This was seen in the 2010 protest in Guangzhou and more rece...