AI Tools with tight MacOS integration

<p>AI has become deeply integrated into today&rsquo;s society, and I have no qualms about acknowledging that I heavily rely on AI. While AI may not be able to solve every problem, it undeniably makes life a little easier, be it for tasks such as writing, coding, or even answering general questions. With AI, almost anything can be simplified.</p> <p>Most people probably use AI chatbots directly on the web or on their phones. Certainly, this is an easy and cheap way to go about it.</p> <p>Using AI directly on the desktop makes things even easier. Instead of the AI being only available in the browser, it can be accessible anywhere and on any application. Why limit it to the browser when it can be used from locally installed word processors, spreadsheets, writing tools, and so on?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>