Tag: Installation

19 Hammers Strike Mirrors around You in Eerie Installation Artwork

The installation you’re reading about ‘Ballet of the Woodpeckers’ (1986) by Rebecca Horn — currently (early 2020) on display at the Tate Modern in London. The installation is in the Tate’s Blavatnik building, featured within a mini exhibition of Rebecca Horn’s ...

Troubleshooting ‘Externally Managed Environment’ Error in Debian 12 Pip3 Installation

When working with Python on Debian 12, you may encounter an error message regarding an ‘Externally Managed Environment’. This error can hinder your use of pip3, the package installer for Python. Fortunately, there are several methods to troubleshoot and resolve this issue. In...

SonarQube Installation on Windows Server

Hi everyone, I will show you how to install SonarQube on Windows in this article. Firstly, select “Community Edition” from SonarQube and click download. If it doesn’t start, you can click click here. Read More

The Windows Process Journey — DrvInst.exe (Driver Installation Module)

“DrvInst.exe” is a PE executable located at “%windir%\System32\drvinst.exe”, it is known as “Driver Installation Module”. Since Windows Vista when PnP (Plug and Play) manager detects a new device “DrvInst.exe” is started. It is used for searching and i...

Tutorial: Docker Installation in WSL 2 of Windows

Inthis story, I record my steps by installing Docker in WSL of Windows. The full name of WSL is Windows Subsystem for Linux. While I can install docker in Windows directly, I want to use Linux commands such as curl. WSL is a good way to do it. Also, using WSL, I do not need...

Python Installation: Instructions to Install and Run Python

Introduction to Python Python, a versatile and popular programming language, has gained widespread acclaim for its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries. Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps into the world of coding or an experienced developer exploring Pytho...

Definitive guide GemPy installation

I organize courses focused on teaching technology skills to those who need it, in collaboration with friends from the university. In April 2021, the course Python for Earth Sciences: An Approach to Modeling was held. The course clearly would use GemPy. The instructor, a Geological Engineer who has a...