Tutorial: Docker Installation in WSL 2 of Windows
<p>Inthis story, I record my steps by <strong>installing Docker in WSL of Windows</strong>. The full name of <strong>WSL </strong>is <strong>Windows Subsystem for Linux</strong>.</p>
<li>While I can install docker in Windows directly, I want to use Linux commands such as curl. WSL is a good way to do it. Also, using WSL, I do not need Hyper-V or VM. Indeed, I just follow the procedures (link at the bottom) from Microsoft:</li>
<li>First, <strong>WSL is installed first</strong>,</li>
<li>By using WSL, we can <strong>install and run Linux OS such as Ubuntu</strong>.</li>
<li>Finally, <strong>Docker is installed within Ubuntu</strong>.</li>
<p>Let’s get started !!! (Note: I made it on 26th June 2022. It may have some updates in the future which makes the procedures different, or it can have any other better ways for it.)</p>
<p><a href="https://sh-tsang.medium.com/tutorial-docker-installation-in-wsl-2-of-windows-f4471fc3e1d4"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>