Tag: Influence

The Influence of Social Media on Self-Perception: Navigating the Digital Mirror

In the age of social media, our online presence often serves as a digital mirror reflecting back our self-worth, popularity, and perceived social status. However, this virtual reflection can have a profound impact on our self-perception, self-esteem, and mental health. In this article, we will de...

How To Win Hearts and Minds: A Guide to Ethical Influence

Do you want to inspire others? Do you want people to welcome you into their hearts? Do you desire the respect of others? I confidently assert that the affirmative response to these queries is nearly yes. but the majority of individuals remain uncertain about the means to actualize their...

3 ways to Influence Upwards

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If ...

How to Express your Opinion and Increase your Influence

Upon stepping into a management role, I found myself compelled to share my perspective on every matter. Regardless of the subject, I felt the urge to voice my opinion. I believe this inclination stemmed from observing accomplished leaders who readily seized chances to articulate their viewpoints. ...

CEOs Who Speak Loudest and Longest May Not Have Influence After All

This week I’m spending time at a 4 day intensive with other professional speakers, focused on the business side of speaking. There were so many gems of information and insight shared today, and it’s only day 1. One key idea which stood out for me was the importance of great communication...

3 ways to Influence Upwards

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If ...

What psychological pricing tactics can be used to influence customer behavior?

Pricing is one of the most important factors in determining the success of a business. It is a complex process that involves balancing costs, competition, and customer demand. However, pricing is not just about numbers. It is also about psychology. The way you price your products or serv...

Through the Eye: a master’s influence on contemporary painting

Often hailed as “the greatest realist artist alive,” the impact that master painter Antonio López García has had on realist art today is undeniable. Beneath the man’s mild-mannered warmth and humble charm, exists a real tour-de-force. Artists all over the wo...

Street Art’s Influence on Wall Decor: From Streets to Your Walls

Discover the emergence of street art, its global appeal, and how it influences wall decor in homes and commercial spaces. Street art has emerged as a prominent art form in contemporary culture, gaining popularity and recognition across the world as a unique form of self-expression. This artic...

The Pep Guardiola Influence

Pep Guardiola has always seemed to be as one of the most highly regarded managers in the world ever since he took over Barcelona in 2008. The offensive movements among his team have always been remarkable with creative solutions when solving the problems posed by various defenses. Now we see his for...

How to make friends and influence people — without leaving the house.

I have been talking about wanting a social life but I have realised that maybe that isn’t what I need. What I need is to meet other people in a similar situation to mine. As empathetic as my friends are, it is not the same as living with a chronic illness and being betrayed by your body. I hav...

The Hidden Influence Of The 4 Elements

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. This isn’t just an opening phrase to a fantasy book or movie. It is also a very important foundation to modern astrology. Zodiac element meanings vary, and they influence each sign — and person — greatly. You may know there are 12 signs of the zodiac, bu...

Spiritual Influence & Maximum Wealth Tax

“The Spiritual Influence Transparency Act (SITA) aims to rectify the significant dissonance within the United States government by addressing the infiltration of religious influences in policymaking.” This act recognizes that existing religious policies often deviate from religious te...

How Does Collectivism Influence Asian Culture

American culture is a prominent example of an individualistic culture. Freedom and individualism is deeply embedded in the American culture: say what you want to say and be who you want to be. On the contrary, Asian culture is highly collectivistic, focusing more on the society as a whole instead of...

How do genetics influence aging?

Aging is a natural process that affects us all, but did you know that genetics play a significant role in how we age? When it comes to beauty practices and maintaining a youthful appearance, understanding the genetic factors at play can be incredibly valuable. Our genes are like the instruction m...

14 Steps to Liberating Yourself from a Narcissist’s Influence

Encountering, contending with, and ultimately breaking free from a narcissist’s grasp is one of the most challenging journeys one can undertake. It demands a blend of courage, resilience, and sometimes a little bit of strategy. For those who have found themselves ensnared in these complex, oft...

Euclid’s Enduring Influence on Geometry

Euclid is an English name that means “renowned and glorious”, which is certainly a reflection of his personality and character. He was an acclaimed mathematician, born in Alexandria, Egypt around 365 B.C., and was known as the founding father of geometry. His insightful understanding was...

Psychedelic Posters and the Art Nouveau Influence

The Birth of Psychedelic Posters: Emerging amidst the social upheaval and artistic experimentation of the 1960s, psychedelic posters encapsulated the spirit of the era. These posters, often associated with music festivals and the burgeoning psychedelic rock scene, utilized vivid colors, intricate...

The Psychedelic Influence: Shaping Icons and Eras

The 1970s and 1980s were transformative decades, marked by radical shifts in culture, technology, and music. At the heart of this transformation were influential figures like John Lennon and The Beatles, Steve Jobs, and Freddie Mercury of Queen. Their explorations into the realms of psychedelics, sp...

Egyptian Influence on Ancient Greece

Ancient Egypt and Greece are often thought of as two separate stories, but this assessment is not that simple, as, for a whole millennium, religion and culture were constantly exchanged between the two Great Civilizations of the Ancient World. Starting with the first “proto Greeks”, the ...

Tolstoy’s Influence on Gandhi: A Legacy of Nonviolent Resistance

Tolstoy’s influence on Gandhi stemmed from his moral and philosophical writings, particularly his treatise “The Kingdom of God Is Within You.” In this work, Tolstoy espoused the idea of non-violent resistance as a means of confronting injustice and oppression. He argued that true C...

Money, Minds, and the Making of a Family: Navigating the Waters of Socioeconomic Influence

At the cornerstone of family dynamics lies the mighty dollar — or the lack thereof. Income levels dictate the resources available to a family, from the basics of food and shelter to the luxuries of leisure and education. But the impact of income extends beyond material possessions; it shapes t...

India: A Gate of Opportunities and Mark of Global Influence

In today’s global landscape, India holds significant sway, evidenced by the presence of tech titans Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg adorned in traditional Indian ethnic wear at the pre-wedding festivities of Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani, son of Asia’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, at c...

Threads of Respect: Navigating Cultural Influence in Fashion

The interweaving of diverse cultural elements offers a rich palette of inspiration and innovation. However, this fusion, while fostering a creative dialogue among cultures, also treads a delicate line between appreciation and appropriation. As connoisseurs of style, it is incumbent upon us to naviga...

16. The Influence of Social Media on Body Image and Beauty Standards

Social media has grown to be a potent influence in the digital era, influencing attitudes, habits, and perceptions. Its influence is especially noticeable in the area of body image and beauty standards. This essay examines the effects of social media on these factors and their ramifications. Beau...

The Gen Z Influence: Shaping Tomorrow’s Beauty Trends

Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, possesses distinct qualities that set them apart from previous generations. Their tech-savvy nature, progressive mindset, and commitment to social and environmental causes make them a formidable catalyst for change in the beauty world. Gen...

The Glaring Influence Of The Portugal Legacy In India

 many Europeans looking for a sea route to the Indian subcontinent, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama was the first to set foot in Calicut (Kappadu today) in 1498. In 1505, Portuguese State of India (Estado Português da Índia, EPI) was founded including parts of the country lik...