Tolstoy’s Influence on Gandhi: A Legacy of Nonviolent Resistance

<p>Tolstoy&rsquo;s influence on Gandhi stemmed from his moral and philosophical writings, particularly his treatise &ldquo;The Kingdom of God Is Within You.&rdquo; In this work, Tolstoy espoused the idea of non-violent resistance as a means of confronting injustice and oppression. He argued that true Christian morality necessitated rejecting violence and coercion in all its forms, advocating instead for passive resistance rooted in individual conscience. Gandhi was inspired by Tolstoy&rsquo;s exploration of Christian teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, and incorporated elements of Tolstoy&rsquo;s spiritual beliefs into his own philosophy of life and action.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>