Tag: Individual

Career Planning as an Individual Contributor Software Engineer

As a Principal Software Engineer, I get to see a lot of folks joining the industry and trying to find their footing to climb the software engineering career ladder. Some people have a very clear idea of what they want from their careers and some have no idea what the next levels look like – or...

Individual Contributor Role vs Manager Role

Even today, many individual contributors wonder why Management is difficult? How life will change after taking on Managerial role? Will I be able to code? Will I enjoy being Manager? etc. etc. There are so many blogs, YouTube videos that answers these questions. But still the questions are asked....

James Murphy on working better: “It’s all about the balance of teamwork and individual work”

My role is to make sure Dropbox is a technical fit for customers. So it’s really nice when we work with a non-profit or charity that is using Dropbox for good, and it’s helping them make the world a better place! Sydney team volunteering at TwoGood Q: Why did you decide to...

Can Individual Companies Be Sustainable If the Overall Economy is Unsustainable?

You’ve got a business idea whose core purpose revolves around an environmental or social mission. The one thing holding you back from bringing your idea to market is a lack of capital. So, you do what any other business would do in this situation. You go to a bank with a business proposal aski...

Embracing Individual Beliefs

First, we created invisible and non-existing gods, then we eagerly created enemies from others who don’t share the same beliefs as us. Just to feel a sense of belonging and unity around something bigger than ourselves. Your faith must be kept between yourself and your god (or whatever you b...