Can Individual Companies Be Sustainable If the Overall Economy is Unsustainable?

<p>You&rsquo;ve got a business idea whose core purpose revolves around an environmental or social mission. The one thing holding you back from bringing your idea to market is a lack of capital. So, you do what any other business would do in this situation. You go to a bank with a business proposal asking for an injection of capital so you can get it up and running. When you go to the bank (or any other source of investment like seed funding or an investment fund), the two critical factors that determine whether you&rsquo;re successful in raising the funds are: what&rsquo;s the potential for profitability and what&rsquo;s the potential for growth. Because the thing with any investor is that they expect to profit from an investment.&nbsp;And herein lies the ultimate dilemma with companies whose core purpose revolves around being sustainable. They have no option but to play by the rules of the game governing markets.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>