Tag: Improving

Self-Improving Neural Networks: The Next Frontier in Deep Learning?

The realm of deep learning has been experiencing a swift transformation, characterized by groundbreaking advancements that are continually expanding the horizons of what machines can accomplish. At the forefront of these transformative endeavors lies an ambitious aspiration: the creation of sel...

So Passionate You Never Stop Improving: The Secret Behind the Success Of Asimov, Jobs, Seinfeld, Oprah, Buffett, Newton, And All The Greats

Over the last year, I’ve spent several hundred hours using the blockbuster process to research the concept I present in this article, which I will also expand on in a series. This research included collecting dozens of case studies, studying the academic research on motivation g...

Improving teaching: scripting

Scripting is useful for new teachers getting to grips with staged, clear instructions and solidifying classroom routines. But it’s also fruitful in pushing experienced teachers, who may be looking to improve the way they explain a complex concept or expertly cohere different strands of knowled...

Improving decision quality through counterfactual thinking

Many of us have indulged in this habit of conjuring various scenarios in our minds, speculating about potential outcomes. I’m sure most of you can relate to doing this at some point in your life. Recently, I realized that this penchant for imagining different scenarios could be employed pro...

Effective Strategies for Improving Communication with Your Manager

I used to struggle with handling my manager’s feedback, whether it was positive or constructive. Sometimes, it felt like they provided feedback without actively engaging with my work, especially when it was negative feedback. I believe the key to setting and achieving goals with your manage...

Improving Cantonese & Starting Mandarin to Future-Proof Career in Hong Kong

I’m starting a new series on improving Cantonese and starting Mandarin. I’m giving myself 2 years. Why 2 years? I will graduate in 2025 with a bachelor’s degree and enter the job market. By starting now and consistently practicing, I will be able to have more job opportuni...

You want to make cities more sustainable? Start by improving sidewalks

Having uneven, broken, or poorly maintained sidewalks can be a real danger for pedestrians. It’s not just about the risk of injuries from trips and falls — it’s about the impact on people with mobility challenges too. Imagine how tough it can be for the elderly or those using wheel...

Improving data and policies to support LGBTQ+ people in STEM

Shane Coffield, Kolin Clark, Anna Dye, Colbie Chinowsky, Briana Niblick, Marco Reggiani, Bryce Hughes, Alfredo Carpineti, Randall Hughes, Lauren Crawford, LeManuel Bitsóí As growing attention is placed on demographic data collection and diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) in ST...

Improving Cantonese & Starting Mandarin to Future-Proof Career in Hong Kong

I’m starting a new series on improving Cantonese and starting Mandarin. I’m giving myself 2 years. Why 2 years? I will graduate in 2025 with a bachelor’s degree and enter the job market. By starting now and consistently practicing, I will be able to have more job opportuni...