Improving decision quality through counterfactual thinking

<p>Many of us have indulged in this habit of conjuring various scenarios in our minds, speculating about potential outcomes. I&rsquo;m sure most of you can relate to doing this at some point in your life.</p> <p>Recently, I realized that this penchant for imagining different scenarios could be employed productively. The key is to consciously practice it as a means of enhancing decision-making.</p> <p>Steve Jobs&rsquo; using counterfactual thinking to create the iPhone serves as a powerful testament to its efficacy. His audacious decision to contemplate, &ldquo;What if we could revolutionize the interface and functionality of mobile phones?&rdquo; not only reshaped the smartphone industry but also transformed the way we interact with technology on a daily basis.</p> <p>Shall we see how do we practice this counterfactual thinking in a right amount to improve our decision making skills?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>