Tag: Imposter

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Tech

Imagine this: You’re sitting in a room surrounded by brilliant minds discussing the latest tech breakthroughs. As they effortlessly exchange complex ideas, you can’t help but feel a knot of doubt in your stomach. You start thinking to yourself, “Do I really belong here, or am I jus...

Do You Feel Like An Imposter?

If you still don’t believe in yourself despite others believing in you. If you think they would see you’re a fraud if they only knew the truth. If you fear it’s only a matter of time before they do know the truth, and then they’ll demand the money, the degrees, the recommenda...

Unveiling The “Imposter”: How Autism Reasserts Itself Unmasked

The late-diagnosed autistic unmasking process can leave one naked, exposed, and astounded. You ask yourself, how did my brain hide this from me? How did I not see all of this? It’s so obvious. These days for good or bad, I am very exposed. It’s freeing sometimes and scary other times,...

How to Succeed in a Competitive Environment if You Experience “Imposter Phenomenon”

Sitting in the business school amphitheatre, I can feel my heart rate speeding up. I look towards the door and contemplate a trip to the restroom to ease my anxiety. Instead, I force myself to sit and breathe. This is how I felt in every one of the hundreds of hours of business school. Despite...

Are My Co-Workers Murderous Aliens or Do I Have Imposter Syndrome?

To Whom It May Concern in the HR Department, I’ve finished my first day here at Human Management Inc. and while I’m thankful for the opportunity, I have a few small concerns. I don’t know exactly where to begin because I’m new to human management as a career and some of th...

How to Succeed in a Competitive Environment if You Experience “Imposter Phenomenon”

Sitting in the business school amphitheatre, I can feel my heart rate speeding up. I look towards the door and contemplate a trip to the restroom to ease my anxiety. Instead, I force myself to sit and breathe. This is how I felt in every one of the hundreds of hours of business school. Despite...

Leadership & the Imposter Syndrome

Both leaders suffered from the imposter syndrome. They are not unusual. Seventy to eighty percent of leaders have experienced the impostor syndrome. They are deeply concerned that they are not qualified to be in their leadership positions. They attribute their success to luck or the overestimations ...

Imposter Syndrome In The Arts | Who’s Had It And How They’ve Persevered

Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and insecurity are rife within the arts community, and understandably so. Art is subjective, there is no possible way to make something that everyone will like, and trying to do so will only stop you creating your own stuff anyway. But on the other hand, what you cr...

My Imposter Syndrome Expired When I Retired

I’ve stopped striving. My self-worth is no longer based on the criteria of workplace achievement. Retirement has improved both my self-image and my creative output. Why? I am no longer plagued by imposter syndrome. What is imposter syndrome? According to a Forbes Magazine article ...

My Struggles with Imposter Syndrome

It tightens your jaw so the words can’t come out. Then it presses down on your chest so your breathing is labored. Finally, it dulls your mind so the thoughts grind to a halt. It’s imposter syndrome, that insidious snake of a condition. It begins as a whisper and grows into a maddenin...