Do You Feel Like An Imposter?

<p>If you still don&rsquo;t believe in yourself despite others believing in you. If you think they would see you&rsquo;re a fraud if they only knew the truth. If you fear it&rsquo;s only a matter of time before they do know the truth, and then they&rsquo;ll demand the money, the degrees, the recommendation, and the trust back, leaving you humiliated.</p> <p>If you have ever felt that way and it caused you to lose sleep, lose concentration, or stop trying, then you may have imposter syndrome, the inability to believe that your success is deserved. What causes imposter syndrome? Why do you believe the way you do? Here are a few possibilities.</p> <h2>1. You actually are an imposter</h2> <p>The first thing to consider is whether you actually are the imposter you think you are. Did you get your position by fraudulent means? Are you like George Santos, the Congressman who fabricated practically his entire life story before he was elected?</p> <p>If so, you have bigger problems than imposter syndrome. You&rsquo;re a crook, or psychotic and are heading towards a bad end. If that&rsquo;s the case, then I&rsquo;d be surprised if you feel bad about it. It&rsquo;s generally the best people who feel the most guilty. The worst people lose no sleep at all.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
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