Tag: Important

Your Features Are Important? It Doesn’t Mean They Are Good

“Important” and “Good” Are Not Synonyms The concept of “feature importance” is widely used in machine learning as the most basic type of model explainability. For example, it is used in Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), to iteratively drop the least importan...

Your Features Are Important? It Doesn’t Mean They Are Good

“Important” and “Good” Are Not Synonyms The concept of “feature importance” is widely used in machine learning as the most basic type of model explainability. For example, it is used in Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), to iteratively drop the least importan...

One of the Most Important Things You Can Do on This Earth

When my 87-year-old mother was dying in my arms, after years of Parkinson’s disease stole her mobility and health, I found myself saying three words softly by her ear. “I’ve got you.” I repeated these three words over and over, as her breathing slowed, and her beautiful...

We All Know Resilience Is Important, But Managers Ain’t Got Time For That

I used to work with this dude Matt E. at a company called Virtuoso. I sat in Texas. He sat in Seattle. I guess I had sounded “slow” on my interviews with this company, although I still got the job and took it, so for a while he was calling me “Stoner Ted” behind my back. (At ...

The most important day of my life is 48 hours away

Business is also frozen. Companies are waiting for the elections before making any major decisions. I even have a friend who wants to buy a German car but the company is stalling him. If Erdogan happens to win, they’re expecting a huge financial collapse, and the Turkish Currency to lose a ...

Why Context is Important When You Call Ida B. Wells a "Republican"

Isthat glass of water sitting on the edge of your table half-empty or half-full? While a thirsty person may call the glass half-empty, someone less eager to take another sip may call the glass half-full. It's more than a matter of perspective but also one of context. When it comes to American po...

How important design is in perception management

Perception somehow allows us to survive the bombardment of information around us. It forms a holistic process together with all the factors that shape our character and ideologies from childhood to adulthood. Design not only guides life, but also supports the processes of ordering and raising aware...

The Most Important Words When Learning A New Language

When it comes to language learning, grammar gets all the attention. Most theories about second language acquisition focus primarily on how we acquire syntax — the way we put words together to form sentences. Vocabulary, in contrast, has historically been outside of the spotlight. This is un...