The most important day of my life is 48 hours away

<p>Business is also frozen. Companies are waiting for the elections before making any major decisions. I even have a friend who wants to buy a German car but the company is stalling him.</p> <p>If Erdogan happens to win, they&rsquo;re expecting a huge financial collapse, and the Turkish Currency to lose a lot more value.</p> <p>If the candidate from the opposition wins, the world is expecting to see a more rational-universal-scientifically run state. The economy won&rsquo;t become miraculously better overnight but we&rsquo;ll see signals for the good.</p> <p>Distributors in Turkey are not selling cars because they want to maximize their profit depending on the result. I mean, 1 USD is 19,57 TRY and 1EUR is 21,36 TRY as I&rsquo;m writing but it may jump a lot higher in a very short amount of time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Important Day