Tag: Hurts

How Your Attachment to Possessions Hurts Your Finances

“It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly.” -Bertrand Russell Welcome to another installment in my ongoing series called “Money On My Mind,” where I publish articles to help you deal with the psycho...

Life Is Good Even When It Hurts

Gratitude does not seem to be only for those things that please me. There must be something more. Can gratitude occur when life is pleasing or not, which we need to account for? Is it extreme to go out on a limb and say life is good even when it hurts, and there is surrounding us an uproar? ...

Autistic Dis-Connect Hurts

It’s been on my mind for a long time, this cosmos of connections among people. Acquaintances, friendships, flings, partnerships, lovers, marriage, family, and all the others. I see what appears to be close and meaningful connections between people on the street, in entertainment, at restaurant...

Why “Back to the Office” Hurts Women More Than Men

Two days ago, WeWork filed for bankruptcy, and I felt quite a bit of schadenfreude. Why? In 2021, WeWork CEO Sandeep Mathrani was one of the first to publicly vilify remote workers. In the Wall Street Journal, he described people who want to work from home as the least engaged employees...

Pain in Purpose — Sometimes Growth Hurts!

Recently I wrote about my expansion into, and embodiment of, my medical intuitive gifts. Often when we are on our roads of spiritual expansion, our actual energy AND physical bodies expand as our spirits grow and shift into what it is we are becoming. And this has been happening for me, bigt...

Racism Hurts my Soul

Here’s my anti-racist rant as a white male person. First of all, we are people, regardless of our skin color. We are just people and we are all messed up in one way or another. Our differences are trivial. If you have some deep suspicion of other races, you need to root it out. I’m not s...

Why ‘brownface’ hurts

Reading about the recent ‘brownface’ controversy in Singapore brought back some painful memories from my childhood. I remember how some of my Chinese classmates took something innate to me, the colour of my skin, and used it to amuse themselves. For instance, they would switch off the...