Tag: Hunting

I Tested 5+ Ghost Hunting Apps. The Results Honestly Freaked Me Out.

Spooky season is around the corner but ghost hunting is a year-round hobby for many. As I have written before, I have seen spirits many years ago: Ghosts Are Real, Even If You Don’t Believe In Them Over 20 years ago, we lived in an apartment near Lake Erie. The view was breathtaking f...

Algorithms, Job-Hunting and Sketching

My name is Josephine, and I have an erratic, confusing and often strangely specific work history. (Lithography on giant sandstones, has anyone else been there? Probably not.) I am nearing the end of a recruitment process. The job that I’m hoping to get somehow includes graphic arts, teaching, ...

Job Hunting by Strolling on the Streets Again in London — Episode 3

There were many people sharing that working in a Luxury Retail Brand is a great start since you might get a decent bonus. I can still remember walking around those typical areas, like Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden, and Bond Street. I remember I walked into those luxury brand stores, pretending...

012/731–30 Aug 2023 ) Finally put an end to the house hunting

Until the morning of the day after tomorrow, I reserved a room on Airbnb. Today I had two viewings, but the first one wasn’t a viewing for a house where I wanted to move in. I saw that listing as a sublet. If S, the owner of the property I viewed last Sunday, didn’t accept my moving, ...

009/731–27 Aug 2023 ) My decision made my house hunting more complicated

I’ve booked a room on Airbnb until the morning of September 1st, which is five days from today. I had three viewings today. This is the first time for me to visit multiple houses in a day. The first house was in one of the most popular cities among the Japanese community in West London. M, ...

Advice for Apartment Hunting in Europe

If you are considering living in an apartment building that has a business on the first floor, make sure you know what the business is + entails! I learned this the hard way, when I discovered what I *thought* was only a pizza place on the first level of my building turned out to have a karaoke and ...

Hunting with Amnesia: Remembering Our Responsibilities to Indigenous Lands

The notion of extending rights beyond humanity is hardly new, and from the beginning the act entangled us in responsibilities. In Becoming Kin, Ojibwe writer Patty Krawec describes the Anishinaabe myth of a flood unleashed upon societies who neglected to care for one another and all Creation. A...

Job Hunting at 63

I have a wide spectrum of experience — experience, I think, that would make me an asset in any professional environment. I’ve worked for respected organizations, both at the state and national levels. References from former employers would be my most valuable asset if any of them were...

Job Hunting for the First Time as Openly Trans

However devastating my eventual rejection, spilled milk is spilled milk. I had several other live job applications. LinkedIn giveth and LinkedIn taketh away. The moment’s euphoria remained and does remain. But while the excitement of my first interview as Josie boosted me for some time, I&rsqu...

Hunting Caribou with the Cree People

The closely related reindeer is important in Northern Scandinavia and Siberia (Brännlund & Axelsson, 2011). The aboriginal hunting people of Alaska and Northern Canada, such as the Inuit, the Dene and the Cree people believe there is a natural population cycle of the Caribou but which is...