Tag: Hughes

Robert Hughes and Andy Warhol’s ‘stupidity’

Robert Hughes — the Australian art critic — described Warhol as ‘as one of the stupidest people I’d ever met in my life. Because he had nothing to say.’ Hughes was dismissive of much of modern art because, like many other old school aesthetes, he never managed...

Coleman Hughes Made Weak Arguments — What Explains His Meteoric Rise? He’s a Convenient Foil For ‘New Racists’ (Really, its somehow Black People’s Fault)

Coleman Hughes is an undergraduate in Philosophy at Columbia, currently a leading voice and commentator on all issues pertaining to black people and the struggle against racism in America. To hear the number of times and the number of people he’s been cited by, you’d think he w...

Langston Hughes, Communist?

Langston Hughes, the poet, was a Communist, right? Socialist? If you could ask the late D.C. poet, Sterling A. Brown, he would laugh, take a drag on his pipe, and say — you are kidding asking that question, right? Allegedly, an F.B.I. agent once asked Brown this on the record. Brown told...