Langston Hughes, Communist?

<p>Langston Hughes, the poet, was a Communist, right? Socialist?</p> <p>If you could ask the late D.C. poet, Sterling A. Brown, he would laugh, take a drag on his pipe, and say &mdash; you are kidding asking that question, right?</p> <p>Allegedly, an F.B.I. agent once asked Brown this on the record. Brown told him, if you are a Negro, have completed the 7th grade, and are against lynching, you are a Communist in America (paraphrase from an account by Lawrence P. Jackson in&nbsp;<em>The Indignant Generation</em>).</p> <p>Brown followed that up with, he has finished the 8th grade and is against far more than just lynching and he is a Negro (Black). Brown, in the dozens, proved again with his retort that he was undefeated. I have no idea if this actually happened but it is funny.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>