Coleman Hughes Made Weak Arguments — What Explains His Meteoric Rise? He’s a Convenient Foil For ‘New Racists’ (Really, its somehow Black People’s Fault)

<p>Coleman Hughes is an&nbsp;<em>undergraduate&nbsp;</em>in Philosophy at Columbia, currently a leading voice and commentator on all issues pertaining to black people and the struggle against racism in America. To hear the number of times and the number of people he&rsquo;s been cited by, you&rsquo;d think he was a veteran scholar of racism and racial history in the United States. Spoiler alert &mdash; he is not. This, in and of itself is not a disqualification of course. But it does say something about the quality of global discourse when an undergraduate in philosophy skyrockets to fame and recognition on a thorny historical and social issue, and is being quoted as some kind of authority figure without much in the way of credentials &mdash; and says even more about the more experienced intellectuals quoting him.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Coleman Hughes