Creating a desktop app with JavaScript, HTML, CSS and the old faithful Electron

<ul> <li>You are a web developer and were asked for a desktop application?</li> <li>Did you try to learn specific languages to create desktop applications and failed?</li> <li>Did you notice that you are going to stop sleeping and waste quality time with your family and/or pet trying to create desktop applications?</li> </ul> <p>Say Hell To Da Naw! and learn from our dear friend and her wise words:</p> <p><img alt="" src="*BEquuL2jdkezw4NND66N5Q.jpeg" style="height:399px; width:659px" /></p> <p>And let&rsquo;s enter together the magical world of&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong><em>Electron framework</em></strong></a>&nbsp;to create applications with web-oriented languages.</p> <h2>Electron, what is it?</h2> <p>Electron is a framework and a set of tools that allows you to be a lazy software developer who doesn&rsquo;t want to learn&hellip;, sorry, it allows you to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create desktop applications, it achieves this by embedding nodejs and chromium in a single executable file.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>