Tag: Holobiont

The Diaries of a Casual Holobiont #5

Although we conform to natural rhythms, we are not entirely subject to them. Alas. We wish we were. I’ve been preparing seedlings all day, transferring plants that have already grown into the greenhouse, covering the beds with fresh compost, watering, and singing along with the birds as they c...

The Diaries of a Casual Holobiont #4

The latter, so-called Malthusian claim, most often advanced by far-right “eco-activists” or others less self-aware than such, is no less dangerous than the very catastrophe it supposedly fights. This same part, however, bearing the unforgivable guilt, is building shelters; buying up l...

The Diaries of a Casual Holobiont #3

Weare revolutionaries. Almost by definition. Surely by choice and not by birth. By birth, we were only deprived and dispossessed. We might be gardeners now, but we are also unionists. We might be teachers now, but we are also workers and internationalists. Savages, that’s for sure. Mostly pira...