The Diaries of a Casual Holobiont #4

<p>The latter, so-called Malthusian claim, most often advanced by far-right &ldquo;eco-activists&rdquo; or others less self-aware than such, is no less dangerous than the very catastrophe it supposedly fights.</p> <p>This same part, however, bearing the unforgivable guilt, is building shelters; buying up land in the few territories we have evidence will last long after the rest of the planet is no longer capable of supporting life of any kind, and looking for planets to colonize.</p> <p>We don&rsquo;t have to go to Mars to realize we&rsquo;re already on it.</p> <p>The state of the soils, the forests, the rivers, the oceans, the air, and all the other systems on the planet that make life possible and are life itself are slowly losing their equilibrium, slowly going out of commission, slowly robbing life of its possibility... How do we fight against this?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>