The Diaries of a Casual Holobiont #5

<p>Although we conform to natural rhythms, we are not entirely subject to them. Alas. We wish we were. I&rsquo;ve been preparing seedlings all day, transferring plants that have already grown into the greenhouse, covering the beds with fresh compost, watering, and singing along with the birds as they celebrate their first warm days after two months of frost.</p> <p>Our time, when being guided entirely by nature rather than compulsion, feels different, smells different, sculpts us differently. E.P. Thompson knew this well. He recognized and described flawlessly not just the significance of clock time, of chronological time, but also its despotism, its&nbsp;<em>manufactured</em>&nbsp;despotism. That same time, responsible for making a worker out of the peasants.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>