Tag: Holding

4 Core Fears Holding You Back

Why is it so hard to stick with our best intentions and follow through on our goals? Whether it’s dropping 15 pounds, starting a new business, or finally fulfilling your dream to write a novel, our most important aspirations seem to quickly get derailed and go unrealized. But why? It&...

How to Stop Holding Your Ground When It’s Crumbling Beneath You

I was always stubborn about the worst possible things. It’s strange to think about now. Instead of holding onto my values and desires, I held onto ideas and to men who were never truly holding onto me. The ground was crumbling beneath me, and I simply refused to yield — all the while, yi...

Is Over-Saving for Retirement Holding You Back?

We get it — retirement planning is a must. According to Northwestern Mutual, the average American has approximately $89,300 tucked away for those golden years. Sounds good, right? Well, hold that thought. Over a 20-, 25-, or 30-year retirement, that sum might not stretch as far as you’d ...

Double Standards Holding Women Back: How Gender Bias Impacts Women’s Personal and Professional Lives

From the way they dress to the way they speak, women are held to different standards than men. Women are often subjected to double standards in both their personal and professional lives, and these double standards can have a significant impact on their mental health, self-esteem, and opportunities....

Republicans Are Holding Billions In Border Funding Hostage

As the White House and Democrat Senators negotiate migrant rights away in exchange for war funding, it’s worth noting that Republicans are also withholding billions in funding for border security — all part of President Joe Biden’s supplemental Critical National Security ...

Holding Space for the Gender Journey

Journeys are rarely linear. We all know this familiar literary trope. When my kid, who I’ll call “A,” was in elementary school, the exploration of gender identity and pronouns began. This is not a new story line for most parents these days. Many of my friends were or are still n...