How to Stop Holding Your Ground When It’s Crumbling Beneath You

<p>I was always stubborn about the worst possible things. It&rsquo;s strange to think about now. Instead of holding onto my values and desires, I held onto ideas and to men who were never truly holding onto me. The ground was crumbling beneath me, and I simply refused to yield &mdash; all the while, yielding was inevitable.</p> <p>I woke up this morning thinking about my stubborn nature and how it developed into a stumbling block when paired with trauma. I can see the ways it hurt me. I can see the loyalty I once showed to employers who saw me as expendable &mdash; and later, to the men I partnered who saw me in much the same way.&nbsp;Instead of developing loyalty to myself, I pledged my allegiance to everyone else in hopes that someone else&rsquo;s love would make me feel worthy.</p> <p>The last year of shadow work has shifted my mindset into accountability. I can own the mistakes I&rsquo;ve made. Today, I woke up thinking that the worst of them comes from the best of me. My fierce love and loyalty can be my strongest asset &mdash; and my greatest downfall.</p> <p>This is true of most of us. We instinctively hold on when we should let go. We use the maladaptive coping skills that once insured our survival long after they&rsquo;re needed, often leading to our destruction. There comes a point when we realize it&rsquo;s time to stop and to learn a new way of being.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>