Tag: Hating

When We See Ourselves in Others, We Stop Hating

I watch the octave of legs run fearlessly toward me, and my gut reaction is to flinch. Something deep within, some primitive part of me, imagines the spider is dangerous. Reason, however, insists that since I’m in England, where most of these creatures are safe to be around, I’ve nothing...

The climate movement has a man-hating problem

I was at the watch party for the launch of the Sunrise Movement’s national campaign to get Biden to declare a climate emergency, when out of the blue I heard one of the young women there say jokingly, “Sorry to the men here, but I hate men!” Even though I didn’t hear ...

The climate movement has a man-hating problem

I was at the watch party for the launch of the Sunrise Movement’s national campaign to get Biden to declare a climate emergency, when out of the blue I heard one of the young women there say jokingly, “Sorry to the men here, but I hate men!” Even though I didn’t hear ...

The climate movement has a man-hating problem

Even though I didn’t hear the context of her facetious comment, it was a bit of a punch in the gut to someone who now identifies as transmasculine. (Although some people who claim that “all men are bad” exclude trans men and transmasculine people from this judgment, but that is a d...

Hating Love, Loving Hate

My kink is macrophilia. I find gigantic women attractive, and I’m enamored of the idea of being shrunken down to a few inches tall to start a relationship with a normal-sized woman. The only thing weird about this is scale. Everything else about this fantasy — sensory overload, dominatio...

A Letter to the Woman Hating Her Body Right Now

I was on a phone call with a friend, and she was distressed after having been shopping and coming to terms with the size of clothing she now needs to wear. She spoke about herself in a way that you would never want to be spoken to, in a way that you would never speak to a friend. This isn’t un...