Tag: Happened

I Walked 23k Steps/Day for 5 Weeks — Here’s What Happened

That’s my #1 advice for anyone trying to improve their health and fitness. If you want to lose weight, walk more. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health, walk more. If you want to be able to eat more, walk more. Walk. Walk. Walk. That’s been my mantra for many years. ...

I Wrote An Article a Day for 950 Days Here’s What Happened

I never was destined to be a writer. I studied science at University, writing was never my thing. I went on to do a business graduate scheme, and up until 25, and the only writing I knew was academic and awkward. White papers don’t make for good reading. They use words nobody has ever...

The Worst Time in My Life Is the Best Thing That Happened to Me

There’s vulnerability, and then there’s taking your skin off in public Vulnerability is a buzzword in business, and especially in coaching, because vulnerability is what we increasingly demand in our leaders. It’s the way we show courage, the way we forge connections with each o...

Hashicorp Licensing: What happened since?

On the 10th of August of this year, HashiCorp decided to change its source code license from Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPL 2.0) to the Business Source License (BSL, also known as BUSL) v1.1 on all future releases of HashiCorp products. Nevertheless, HashiCorp APIs, SDKs, and almost all ...

The 10 Year Challenge: What Happened in Portugal

We’re starting with the nation’s favourite, Cristiano Ronaldo. After winning five FIFA Ballon d’Or awards and many other awards including the World Player of the Year, Ronaldo is often considered one of the greatest goalscorers and players of all time. In 2009, Ronaldo joined Re...

Well, It Finally Happened — and I’m Not Sure What to Feel

We opened a bottle of nice champagne to celebrate, but I don’t think either of us were really into it. But it’s a milestone, right? Right?? We spent 5 long years fighting stupidity, incompetence, and a rigged system every step of the way. I wrote about our experience in gory detail...

A Lot Happened In 2023

2023 was a year of big changes for my family and me. Before I get to the big changes, let’s celebrate the small ones. The year began with the decision to stop eating beef, chicken, and pork. We opted out of the meat industry by adopting a vegetarian plus fish diet. We’ve stuck ...