I Wrote An Article a Day for 950 Days Here’s What Happened
<p>I never was destined to be a writer.</p>
<p>I studied science at University, writing was never my thing. I went on to do a business graduate scheme, and up until 25, and the only writing I knew was academic and awkward.</p>
<p>White papers don’t make for good reading.</p>
<p>They use words nobody has ever heard of. They are confusing and frustrating to read but that was the writing I was used to. Complicated words make you sound smart. At least that’s what I thought.</p>
<p>In April 2020, everything changed.</p>
<p>That was the first pay cheque I made on the internet.</p>
<p>Internet money feels different. It feels like a cheat. It feels like a mental unlock. You’re never quite the same after you’ve made any money on the internet.</p>
<p>All of a sudden the lights go on. It’s just numbers. If you can make $0.07, you can make $70 and then $700, and then *gulp* $7000. Making your first dollar on the internet changes your outlook.</p>
<p>You go from salary-bound to infinite possibilities. And that energy, if channelled effectively, can motivate you for years to come. It has me.</p>
<h1>That first month</h1>
<p>That first month I wrote 2 articles on the internet. I never intended to do this writing thing for 2.5 years. I never thought it would last. Nothing ever does.</p>
<p>Instead, I wrote because I felt compelled to. It felt good to get all the things I was thinking off my chest and out into the world, even if nobody was reading my words. That didn’t matter. It felt like I was talking to a therapist and they were just there saying ‘tell me more’.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/swlh/i-wrote-an-article-a-day-for-950-days-heres-what-happened-aa0b8b2e64d"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>