Tag: Happen

Why Do You Always Think Bad Things Only Happen To Me And How To Overcome This?

Ithink this is one of the most asked questions that one always thinks about why do bad things only happen to him/her? Don’t call yourself a fool on that question. This is a valid question and can appear in someone’s mind. First thing first, Don’t you dare get manipulated by thes...

A Time For Everything To Happen In Our Life

I mean that most of us lament, why God is not answering our prayers. The Bible teaches that there is a time for everything to happen in our life. "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens." "A time to be born and a time to die, a time to p...

The Secret to Never Panicking on April 15 Again: Start Your IRA Now, Automate It, and Watch the Magic Happen

It can take a lot of work to save for retirement. You know you have to do it, but you need help figuring out where to start. Not only that, you have bills to pay now. And then April 15 comes around, and you are hard-pressed to fund your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Possibly scrambling ...

Gravity doesn’t happen instantly

When you look at the Sun, the light you’re seeing isn’t the light that’s being emitted right now. Instead, you’re seeing light that’s a little more than eight minutes old, since the Sun is some 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) away, and light — although i...


Probably Not, but they are a super cool material, but I never knew why? All I can recall is people making a big fuss over any sneaker that had 3M on it. For those who don’t know, 3M is reflective fabric, that is typically used at night for safety workers. However, the sneaker world has made 3M...