Why Do You Always Think Bad Things Only Happen To Me And How To Overcome This?

<p>Ithink this is one of the most asked questions that one always thinks about why do bad things only happen to him/her? Don&rsquo;t call yourself a fool on that question. This is a valid question and can appear in someone&rsquo;s mind.</p> <p>First thing first, Don&rsquo;t you dare get manipulated by these thoughts because they can eat away at your thought process and your goals too. It&rsquo;s okay that these kinds of thoughts come to your mind but do not let them destroy your confidence.</p> <p>People always see the negative things happening in the world and they only watch social media and news stuff. They always overlook the beautiful things that are happening at the same time and this is the big mistake that they are making. Only this thing can make them think that only bad things are happening around them.</p> <p>One more important thing is social status. They look at the people around them and they see that everyone is getting successful and everyone gets what they want and this makes them sick and think why don&rsquo;t we get this kind of luxury in our life?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jahangirmustafa/why-do-you-always-think-bad-things-only-happen-to-me-and-how-to-overcome-this-b25d20508c70">Read More</a></p>