Gravity doesn’t happen instantly

<p>When you look at the Sun, the light you&rsquo;re seeing isn&rsquo;t the light that&rsquo;s being emitted right now. Instead, you&rsquo;re seeing light that&rsquo;s a little more than eight minutes old, since the Sun is some 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) away, and light &mdash; although it&rsquo;s fast &mdash; can only travel through the Universe at a specific speed: the speed of light. But what about gravitation? Everything on Earth experiences the Sun&rsquo;s gravitational pull, but is the gravity that the Earth experiences as it orbits the Sun coming from the Sun right now, at this very instant? Or, just like light, are we experiencing gravitation from some time ago?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>