Tag: guys

I asked this system design question to 3 guys during a developer interview and none of them gave…

A Common system design question. The Question Weeks ago, a candidate came in and we started the interview (senior dev, 3rd round) process. Since he has internet company working experience, a famous ecoms company. The first question I asked him “what do you do in your team? tell me the...

One of the Guys

AsI move through this life, I try to find reasons to be grateful. Even very dark times can have an upside, if you’re looking for it. For instance, the mass shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville — the 130th mass shooting in the United States in 2023, and the 37th mass shooting...

MacOS Sonoma: A Comprehensive Overview of Over 100 New Features and Changes (P.S. We Got Widgets Guys!)

Apple has recently introduced macOS Sonoma, and it’s packed with an impressive array of over 100 new features and changes. In this article, we’ll delve into the key highlights of this latest macOS update, making it one of the most exciting releases in recent years. Stunning New Wallpa...

What You Need to Know to Survive the Holidays: A Gay Guy’s Guide

The holidays are stressful for many people. For the queer community, it can be especially lonely and even traumatic. Not everyone is loving and accepting of their queer family members. Sometimes it takes some skill to traverse a holiday event. Thanksgiving at my parents’ house this year was...

A Gay Guy Knows When a Simple Look is Hiding Hate

For the past year, I’ve worn makeup on occasion when I’m going out — nothing too obvious or gaudy. I just want to even out my skin tone, make my eyes pop, that sort of thing. I don’t wear too much color on my face, though; I want it to look natural. I’ve never consid...

A Homeless Guy and an Illegal Alien Walk into A Park

“Ireally liked the dog from your Tinder profile,” I said to him, looking gingerly around at the baggage he had decided to bring to our date. It’s a first date. Usually people leave their issues — and things — at home for those. He couldn’t. “Oh, you won&r...

Why Smart Guys Suck At Relationships..

During my days in finance I worked with some of the most brilliant people. High IQ, making really good money BUT as brilliant as they were at their job…. Most of them struggled so bad with women… Every relationships turned into a trainwreck for them… And they never r...

Guys and Shoes

I just read an article that says, more and more, women are the breadwinners in their families and I have this to say about it: thank friggin’ God. Women are better than men in virtually every way, save for those 3–4 days per month when they turn into Satan-worshiping land sharks. As an e...