Tag: growing

How Medium started growing again

Written media outlets have not had the best year in 2023: Washington Post, NPR, and Insider all announced layoffs. Vice had to be acquired out of bankruptcy. Buzzfeed shut down its Pulitzer-prize winning News Division and laid off 15% of staff after poor financial performance. ...

Fiber Golang: A Rapid Growing Framework For Go (Golang)

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, choosing the right framework can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your projects. Enter Fiber, an impressive web framework for the Go (Golang) programming language. Known for its lightning-fast performance and robust features, Fiber...

How Medium started growing again

Written media outlets have not had the best year in 2023: Washington Post, NPR, and Insider all announced layoffs. Vice had to be acquired out of bankruptcy. Buzzfeed shut down its Pulitzer-prize winning News Division and laid off 15% of staff after poor financial performance. ...

The 10 Fastest-Growing Apps in 2023 (some will certainly surprise you)

The fastest-growing apps in 2023 This is not an overstatement: apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. There are tools to carry out multiple tasks — from design to security, communication, marketing, travel, HR, cloud apps, development, collaboration… the...

Environment strategies for growing enterprises

Did you ever struggle in your organisation with a feeling that in many software projects and IT organisations in general, environments seems to be among the most difficult things to get right? And did you ever wonder why it can be so hard? Read on! I have asked myself this question many times and...

Understanding the growing movement for paid housework

16.4 billion hours per day are spent performing unpaid care labour, as per data from the International Labour Organisation which is based on two-thirds of the world’s working age population. This statistic can be understood as 2 billion individuals working 8 hours every day withou...

Growing up Introvert amongst Extroverts

Looking back at myself as a kid, mostly through stories I’ve been told by family members, there’s no question in my mind why I am the way I am today. It’s pretty obvious to me that I have always been an introvert. Well, it wasn’t obvious to them. They couldn’t understa...

Growing Sideways: 10 Quirky Life Tips You Won’t Find in Wisdom Journals

Journey into the unconventional avenues of self-improvement. If you’re seeking the customary nuggets of advice, hold onto your hats for a whirlwind of whimsy instead. Because sometimes, the path to enlightenment is paved with unorthodox ideas… 1. Mirror Pep Talks Point at the ...

16.2 Growing Pains

Socrates’ eldest son was Lamprocles, whom we meet in Xenophon’s dialogues. The boy is upset with his mother. Socrates asks questions of him to help him see the many benefits he has received from his mother. “Children are indebted to their parents for giving them life, letting ...

AI’s Growing Role in Conservation and Conservation Technologies

The term “Artificial intelligence” (AI) gets thrown around a lot in the tech space. It’s one of those buzzwords everyone has heard, but few really understand. The U.S. State Dept. quotes the National Artificial Intelligence Act of 2020 saying “The term ‘artifi...

How Medium started growing again

Blogging platform Medium (yes, this one) is no exception, except maybe that their troubles have gone on longer: the company announced layoffs in both 2021 and 2022. The platform has been described by its own writers as slowly dying. And yet — the opposite might be t...

How Men Are Growing in Feeling as Women Are Growing in Doing

For centuries, society told a story about women: Women are dumber than men, are only good for having babies, should obey their husbands, and are nothing without one. Your careers, if you have one, can relate to the cooking, cleaning and child-rearing you do at home. If we let women run a countr...

Women — Men are NOT going out anymore… & ghosting you…why? Peace :) This trend will keep growing…

I always do my very best to not use hyperbole…but in the last 15 times I was supposed to meet up (including tonight)…I “ghosted” again for the 13th time! I have the best intentions, but about 20 min. prior…I just “No thanks” when I think of what else I co...

Military Sexual Assault: To Stop this Growing Pandemic, You Must Understand It

Depending on who you read and how many military members they interviewed, sexual assault statistics range from an intolerable 8% to an incomprehensible 25% of military women. It happens to substantially fewer men, but the number is still tragic and disgusting. We’re talking tens of thousands a...

Taxpayer Subsidized Mass Shootings

The outrage is growing universally at the white supremacists who commit all (or nearly all) the mass shooting with the military assault rifle, the AR-15. Despite that fact, little has been said about how We the Taxpayer are funding the ammunition filling the magazines. So much for the lauded and pho...

How Growing Up In Ukraine Made Me Different From You

Irealized that cosmopolitanism is bullshit the moment I saw a man casually walking with a huge blood stain on his military uniform in Kyiv, October 2021. Let me explain. Blood stains like that are all over my history as a Ukrainian. At the sweet age of 17, I moved from Ukraine to Canada...

Fake News and the Growing Power of Asian American Voters: What this Means for 2022 Midterm Elections

These efforts, sadly, have been effective. A growing subset of the Asian American community — largely first-generation immigrants for whom English is not their native tongue — subscribe to “the big lie,” question the integrity of electoral processes in the United States, and ...

Growing Up Mixed & Why I Fit in in Hawai’i

In 2014, I traveled with my mom and sister to O’ahu to visit family. Trips back to Mom’s modest island home are rare, so we never waste time. All of our time is spent with family and in the water. My beautifully mixed Hawaiian-Japanese-Korean-Chinese-Filipino-White-Mexican family....

The Growing Power of Biotech Monopolies Threatens Affordable Care

The U.S. spends well more on prescription drugs, per capita, than any other country in the world. This has long been a source of concern for American patients struggling to afford their medicines. There are, however, those who argue that high drug prices are justified by a “social contract&...

Striving for Sustainability with Aeroponic Growing

Cannabis is an incredible plant that can be grown in a tiny pot or spread freely across mountains in the wild. Over the years, cultivation methods have evolved to meet the needs of different microclimates, yield quotas, and sustainability imperatives. My company uses aeroponic methods instead of&nbs...

Growing Weed is Not For the Faint of Heart

Grow pot indoors is ounces of fun — literally — and yet can be extremely frustrating, as well. It seems that no matter how perfect of a cultivation environment you create, some seeds simply produce genetically crappy weed. I grew a couple of autoflower White Widow beauties that ended ...

Growing Mini Organs in Space: The Exciting Potential of Organoid Biomanufacturing in Microgravity

Imagine a world where researchers & doctors could grow miniature versions of your organs in a laboratory, allowing them to test different treatments and medications without any risk to your health. Now, imagine doing this not in a traditional lab, but in a low-gravity environment that makes the ...

Children of the Pharaohs: Growing Up in Ancient Egypt

What was it like to grow up in Ancient Egypt? Did the Ancient Egyptians have familial bonds like our own…or was ancient life vastly different for a child? In “Cleopatra as a Child: The Real Story,” I explored the life of Egypt’s last pharaoh — albeit, she was really...


In the fast-paced world of fashion, sustainability has emerged as a powerful and captivating trend in the 21st century. With increasing awareness about the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry, consumers are now seeking more ethical and sustainable alternatives to traditional ...