How Medium started growing again

<p>Blogging platform Medium (yes, this one) is no exception, except maybe that their troubles have gone on longer: the company announced layoffs in both&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">2021</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">2022</a>. The platform has been&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">described by its own writers</a>&nbsp;as slowly dying.</p> <h2><strong>And yet &mdash; the opposite might be true.</strong></h2> <p>Medium CEO Tony Stubblebine hosted a keynote on August 12 during the first &lsquo;<strong><em>Medium Day</em></strong>&rsquo;, and let the audience in on some performance data. When Tony joined 13 months ago, Medium had its worst month in terms of subscriber attrition. Since then, his team has not only stemmed the loss in Medium&rsquo;s membership. They have reversed it. The decade-plus old platform is&nbsp;<strong><em>growing paid members</em></strong>. Digging in more &mdash; August is poised to be one of Medium&rsquo;s best months for new members.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: growing Again